Monday 12 May 2014

G:MT Greenwich Mean Time - Soundtrack - 1999 (featuring Hinda Hicks, Imogen Heap & Talvin Singh)

  1. Imogen Heap - Meantime
  2. GMT - Dialogue
  3. Hinda Hicks - Christian Sands
  4. MJ Cole - Tears Are Waiting
  5. Hinda Hicks - Sincere
  6. Talvin Singh - Where Is The Love
  7. GMT - Dialogue
  8. Talvin Singh - Vikram The Vampire
  9. Different Levels - All I Wanna Do
  10. Hinda Hicks - Please Can I Go Now
  11. Hinda Hicks - Who Would You Have Me Love
  12. Hinda Hicks - Succumb To You
  13. GMT - Dialogue
  14. Roots Manuva - Baptism
  15. Lester Bowie - Rachel's Theme

1 comment:

  1. The selection of a lifetime. Each track, a story on its own.
